Are you having difficulty obtaining car finance because you are self employed and your financials are not up to date? At Centreline finance, we understand businesses, whether you operate as a sole trader, partnership or a company. Most lenders require 2 years tax return or accountant prepared financials for you to obtain a car loan. Our team of expert car loan consultants will get you in a car sooner with a low doc car loan. This is also referred to as no doc car loans. This type of facility suits people that earn cash income and/or have difficulty to provide proof of income. This type of facility requires very little documentation to verify your income. On the downside, it comes with higher interest rates as these loans bare higher risks to the lenders. To be eligible, you need to have a good borrowing history, have a good asset position, preferably owning your own home or have a 20% to 30% deposit to put towards the car. You also need to have been in business for at least 2 years and hold a valid ABN.
Our goal is to provide fast, reliable, and affordable car loans to the public.